February 2, 2021
Buying Stocks on Ground Hog Day 2021
Today is Groundhog Day 2021 and we wanted it just to happen. I mean if we could only replicate the idea of the famous Ground Hog Day movie we would essentially always be better and better. Here at Newsweed, it is so much more important to us than just learning to play the piano. Heck we need to be the market and we need to survive so we can report the news without bias, So many News Agencies like Politico and the Marshal Project have popped up and frankly, they have an agenda. We do not. News is supposed to be fact and nothing else. There is enough going on in the world without having to make things up. Here is how we traded today. Any and all feedback is welcome. Have a great Ground Hog Day 2021
Buy 4000 BNGO @12.00
Sell 1000000 OXSC@ .164
Sell 2 GME@ $132,00
Buy 9000 SNDL@ $1.02
BUY 13000 ZOM @1.07
Buy 200000 OGEM @.98
Buy 1000 ATHX @ $2.56
Buy 100000 AITX @ .126
BUY 200 RPTX @39