April 3, 2021 – The Appalachian Mountain Club has made an attempt to limit hiking at the Jockey Hollow federal park in Morristown, NJ. Another group called Trail Shrinks organized a hike at Jockey Hollow at 11:00 am today and has 72 people expected to attend. The outdoor limit for the assembly was raised to 200 people as of April 2, 2021. Leslie Arthur of the Appalachian Mountain Club called the Trail Shrinks Group and said he had called the Jockey Hollow federal park rangers and informed them that the assembly of this many hikers was inappropriate due to Covid. Trail Shrinks has moved forward with the event claiming that The Appalachian Mountain Club should mind their own business.
People all over the country have been limited and controlled by the federal and state regulations due to Covid. It is apparent by the attendance of the hikers that people have had enough. There has been zero scientific evidence that Covid has been transmitted during hiking or in an outdoor environment. Outdoor construction workers have a very low incidence of acquiring Covid as well.
The New York Times reported that construction work has been allowed to happen throughout the city. This decision was approved by OSHA and NYC, so why should people stop hiking considering that on any given job site there could be a few hundred workers? –NYT
It seems that our country may be heading down that rabbit hole where small organizations and individuals

take the role of a snitch, just like what was experienced in eastern Europe during the Communist days.
Socialization during these days of isolation may be the only cure for the recent “Covid Crazy” lifestyle we are all living.
The Appalachian Mountain Club may be just as crazy as the rule that you must walk into a restaurant with a mask but once you sit and eat it can come off. Oh, brother. Let’s just hope we can have some outer space aliens come to our country and save us.